Schedule of Grass Court
Usage Priorities – change of procedure.
Previously, to doubly ensure that organised club sessions had courts reserved, the Groundskeeper displayed a ‘no play’ or ‘use last’ sign on courts intended to be used only for organised club sessions. However, as indicated on the schedule, those signs could be removed (and later replaced) by the organiser of the club session.
To avoid potential confusion, this has now been discontinued.
The new arrangement is as follows:
The playability of a court is determined by the Groundskeeper or, in his absence, the Club President.
If a court is not to be used, the net will be down, or a sign ‘no play’ will be displayed (or both).
The schedule of priorities, as posted on the clubhouse door and on the website, will continue to be the sole authority on who has priority on a court at any time, viz either coaching staff or members.
If the priority holder is not using a court, it may be used by the coaches or members but would have to be vacated if requested for use by the scheduled priority holder.
If a dispute arises, common sense and a spirit of collegial cooperation will prevail; otherwise, please call Fred 0411 749 426
View Grass Court Schedule. This schedule will be updated soon to show the new arrangements listed above.
For all Hard Court Bookings see Court Hire